Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sewing For Charity

Hello! Here is an update as to what I've been up to. Love to hear from you!

Sewing for charity...

I made contact with the Wellesley quilt guild--Quinobequin Quilters Guild. They are on hiatus for the summer but I did get an 'assignment' to sew pillowcases for Hospice. I've made seven to date. These are fun and quick to sew. I also get to use my stash which means I have more room for new fabric.

The first five

My favorite so far

My next sewing project is to make a reusable grocery bag. I'd like to figure out a quick method to produce these. If I can do it economically, I might consider selling custom embroidered bags on They'd also make great thank you gifts.

My embroidery business...

I have created design packs and posted them to ebay. Ebay no longer allows sellers to sell digital items on ebay. I had to create a physical product in order to be able to sell my designs. I created discs labeled with my company info and custom CD cases.

See my ebay listings: Bear pack Giraffe pack

Personal stuff...

We had a wonderful weekend on the cap compliments of Chad's employer. The weather was chilly but we still went to the pool and the beach party. We stayed at the Chatham Bars Inn which was lovely. I truly enjoy being by the water. Lauren had a good time and did well with the 'fancy' dinners.

Lauren has been under the weather this week and has missed three days of school so far. She was up most of the night last night so us girls are having a pj day. She has five more days of school then our vacation begins! We're heading to MI to visit with family and friends.

I had lunch with my former boss on Friday. It was fabulous seeing him and catching up. He is the very best of people.

The class I was scheduled to teach in June was cancelled. I am signed up to teach a class starting in August and am taking a few instructor workshops this month. These workshops will allow me to teach the online entry courses every student is required to take. That will give me more teaching opportunities.
Signing off until next time...